OK, so for 2 weeks, I have not bought any art supplies. Wheee! Looks like I am on a roll. All coupons I get in the mail, I lose quickly and any I receive through the email are gone also, very quickly. I must be strong. I did notice today that my adhesive tape runner is very low, so I might go to some wierd-o place to buy a replacement like the grocery store. They have small one's that I can get by with. I must stay away from the major art supply brick and mortar stores! I actually still had $300.00 in my checking acct when I got paid yesterday. Because I stayed away from temptations.
I recently found a great new "old" book for an art journal at a yard sale:
It is 11 X 8 and is an old RealEstate School text with 500 pages.. The paper feels cool and takes ink, watercolor, and Pitt Brush Pens without soaking through. Sharpies go right through and so do Copic's of course. I am happy. I have always wanted a "book" to make into an art journal. And this one was used, with a ton of notes written in the margin's and sentences underlined. So cool. Here is what it looks like after I threw some water color and ink spray's on it:
This will take me some major years to fill up. WOW!
My FREE 72 Art Bars Tin from Derwent arrived while I was gone last week. The tin container took some major hits and was very dinged up and a few of the bars were broken but that is OK. I straightened it out pretty good and I am excited to have won them!
They are very cool to work with. YAY!! And some time's buying an art supply brings a major dividend. This time it did for sure.
The day job side of my life just keeps getting rougher and rougher. Spent 3 days in San Francisco this week just trying to wrap my brain around the new division. It has some great dedicated folks working to make it better. Just hope that their driver's appreciate all that the management does behind the scene's for them. And it only took me 3 hours to get home on Wednesday afternoon/evening. UGH! I must leave earlier.
Next week I will be down south of home, where it will be hotter, ugh! Today and tomorrow Mr Weather said it would be 106, but it only got to 101 today, so hope 106 stay's away tomorrow also.
Well, I am off of here to get ready for Paula to Stream tonight. She says she will be there. Happy Father's Day to all of the Dad's and all of the Single Mom's out there that are Dad also. My son will call me tomorrow to wish me a Happy Father's Day! He has since he could talk and he is 36.
Catch ya's later. Stay safe and hydrated.
I know you'll love those color blocks. I have the Inktense pencils. I screwed up and bought a travel watercolor set for my ColorLove 101 class. Sorry about that, Sis. i guess you get to shop, too. I'm sorry to hear your troubles. I don't like to think of all the stress you're under.
Oh well, that's OK. Sometimes we will back slide. I am still good though. But I must travel to SF this evening and stay over, so I am there bright and early in the morning. I will call you as i drive up later.
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