Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'm Back, Safe, and I Have Found a New Hero

Well I am back home, safe, I might add since I always fly Southwest when I can and just this morning I saw on the news that a plane FROM LA had a boo boo!! I was on a Southwest plane last night from LA! Whew! But anyway...........

I have a new Hero this morning:

This is Austin Kleon. He writes poetry from blacking out text in newspapers, Called Newspaper Blackout!

If you know about this:

You will understand the genius behind this type of art. WOW!

Please take a second and go to Austin Kleon's blog and be amazed! Me? I am on my way to ordering his book and trying this myself. Now all I need is a Black Sharpie.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Barb Smith said...

I read this article earlier today and I'm with you...hand me a newspaper and a sharpie, I am so inspired. I love everything he talks about in his article, me hope that I still have time to find my "it" thing in life. :)
Peace & Love,