I just experienced a greater than ever weekend that I want to share with you. It began with meeting a person that I began following when I first jumped on the AJ wagon like 7 years ago. Samie Harding has been a great inspiration to me and I have always loved her and her work. So this past week she flew out to San Francisco to do some video work for Mati (pronounced Matey like a pirate would say). So my friend Beth who is also a great fan of Samie's and I cooked up a plan so we could meet Samie face to face! We drove to Berkeley and met Samie at Mati's Studio (wow) and spent the afternoon with her in San Francisco at Japantown! It was a big mall with a ton of great shops. I had never been there before but know I will be going back! We went to Kinokuniya's
It was an amazing Japanese book store. OMG! I thought I had died and went to heaven. And we also went to Daiso's of course, since I can't pass up a trip to any Dollar Store! Then we ate at a great Japanese resturant, and since Samie can speak Japanese, that made it even more fun! So lots of fun and lots of shopping and getting to spend a few hours with a friend in person that has always been an online friend forever makes for a great day.The next day Beth and I ran around Modesto going to thrift shops on a book search. As everyone knows, I am a book nerd and so is Beth, so that was great. But the best part, is Beth got to come to my house (finally) and visit my art cave! Lets put it this way, she came with 1 suitcase and left with 1 suitcase and 5 bags and 30 books! Hee! So enough of my jabbering, here come some more photos of the weekend that I will be talking about for a very longtime.
to have this to go with it! Wow! It is amazing!
I have been wanting this book for awhile. Grabbed it when I saw it this time!
For a week that began very sad with the Boston Marathon bombings and the Texas Plant explosions, at least for me the week ended on a good note.
Please stay safe! Have a good week ahead!